si_station Struct Reference

struct for the configuration of a station to fill you need to do More...

#include <sportident.h>

Data Fields

unsigned int fd
 file descriptor for station
unsigned int code
 the station code
unsigned char mode
 mode of the station use st_mode
unsigned char exten
 used to tell if station is in extended mode exten=1 is in extended mode exten=0 is not
unsigned int time
 the time when recieved or to send to station
unsigned int version
 version of the firmware
unsigned int battery
 battery power of the station
unsigned int backup
 position of the backup pointer

Detailed Description

struct for the configuration of a station to fill you need to do

si_station * station;
OpenStation( DEVICE, station);

or if you want an updated version

See also:
GetStation(), OpenStation()

Definition at line 66 of file sportident.h.

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Generated on Sat May 22 20:28:32 2010 for LibSportIdent by  doxygen 1.6.3